I was given this doll by a woman who told me that it belonged to her great grandmother who was a nurse during the war in Germany in the 1940s. She moved to the United States in the 1970s and this doll was one of the few things she took with her. After she passed away in 2001 her great granddaughter inherited her estate along with this doll. She believed that the spirit of her great grandmother is somehow attached to the doll because there were many times over the past 20 years when either herself or a family member was ill and she would hold the doll or have the person who wasn't feeling well hold the doll and soon after that they would be well. She says she can't quite explain it but she just has a feeling that somehow this doll is connected with her great grandmother. A few months before she contacted me to send me the doll she said her great grandmother appeared to her in a dream and told her that she needed to find a new home because someone out there needed her. The lady told me that that was something her great grandmother would have done in life because she was always helping people as much as she could. So I told her I would list it among my items as I would normally list haunted objects that people have been sending me over the past 5 years. And hopefully the universe connects this spirit with the person she is meant to go to.